Title I InformationTop of Page
September 9, 2024
To Parents/Guardians:
Your child is attending a school receiving Title I federal funds through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). At the beginning of each school year, local educational agencies receiving Title I funds are required to notify parents whose student(s) attend a Title I school that they may request, and the district and/or school will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers, including...
English | Spanish | Vietnamese
Canvas HelpTop of Page
Parents/Guardians: To find out how to get going on Canvas, check out this video: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2758506301 and ask your student for a pairing code.
Use your school email (@students.esuhsd.org) to log into ECARMS to find the Canvas app. Students needing help with their Canvas account should ask their teachers or email Ms. Daniell from their school email account.
Use your school email (@students.esuhsd.org) to log into ECARMS to find the Canvas app. Students needing help with their Canvas account should ask their teachers or email Ms. Daniell from their school email account.
For new students, check out: On-Boarding Instructions
VisionTop of Page
IHS is an intercultural community which provides students with rich opportunities for personal and academic growth while embracing diversity, belonging, and open access for all.

Canvas instructions
Principal's NewsletterTop of Page
Week 24--02.10.25
Sixer Community:
To find a previous newsletter, please visit the newsletter archive
AnnouncementsTop of Page
Follow us on Social MediaTop of Page
Stay up to date on all student activities and events at IHS - follow your ASB-endorsed accounts: